2022 MacArthur Fellow: Moriba Jah

2022 MacArthur Fellow: Moriba Jah

MacArthur Foundation

Moriba Jah

Moriba Jah, MIT MLK Visiting Associate Professor 2022-2023, is among the 25 "architects of new modes of activism, artistic practice, and citizen science" to be awarded MacArthur Fellowships in 2022.

'Moriba Jah is an astrodynamicist laying the foundation for a safe, prosperous, and sustainable near-Earth space environment. Jah draws on his expertise in astrodynamics and statistical orbit determination to create transparent and collaborative solutions for improving oversight of Earth’s orbital spheres. Space-based infrastructure, such as satellites, underlies many aspects of our daily lives, including transportation networks, financial exchange, energy and supply distribution, and global communications. There are now almost 30,0000 human-made objects orbiting Earth. These include active and inactive satellites, rocket bodies, and other debris. Information about the number, nature, and location of these objects—known as space situational awareness—is currently fragmented across nations and organizations. As the number of space objects continues to grow, space traffic management (that is, preventing collisions and charting clear paths for new launches) is increasingly difficult."
--MacArthur Foundation



I seek to show humanity a path for itself through a lens of space environmentalism and sustainability.
--Moriba Jah