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William Yslas Velez

Visiting Professor 2010-2011 Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona Associate head, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona
Through our scientific and technological genius, we've made of this world a neighborhood. And now through our moral and ethical commitment, we must make of it a brotherhood.
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


William Yslas Velez is a University of Arizona Distinguished Professor of mathematics and associate head of the Mathematics Department at the University of Arizona. He completed his PhD, MSc, and BSc, all in mathematics, at the University of Arizona.


His research specializes in number theory and algebraic coding theory. As an MLK visiting professor in the Department of Mathematics, Velez continued his recruitment efforts and his commitment to the academic development of underrepresented minority students. He is also former president of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science.

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