Robert C. Hampshire

- MIT Sponsors:
- Richard C. Larson
- Scholar Link:Visit Robert C. Hampshire 's faculty page
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Robert Hampshire is currently an assistant professor at the John H. Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon University. He received his PhD from the Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at Princeton University.
Hampshire’s research focus is urban transportation systems. He is immersed in innovative ways to reduce urban congestion and reduce air pollution. In particular, Hampshire focuses on IT enabled mobility services, communication services and distributed web services. He uses both non steady state stochastic modeling and dynamic optimization to develop management strategies. His industry experience includes work at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Bell Laboratories of Lucent Technologies, Compaq Computers and VLSI Technology. He has patents in the areas of IT asset portfolio management and supply chain risk management.
As an MLK visiting assistant professor, he worked closely with Prof. Richard C. Larson in the Engineering Systems Division as a lecturer and collaborated on research papers.
Sample Work
Large-Scale Bicycle Sharing Systems: Analysis of V´elib’
Nair, R., Miller-Hooks, E, Hampshire, R.C. and A. Busic, “Large-Scale Bicycle Sharing Systems: Analysis of V´elib’,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, vol. 7, pp. 85-106, 2013.
Evaluation of a Smart Parking System
Hampshire, R.C. and T. Fabusyi, “Evaluation of a Smart Parking System,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2013.
Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing: Market Analysis and Potential Growth
Hampshire, R.C. and C. Gaites, “Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing: Market Analysis and Potential Growth,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 2217, pp. 119-126, 2011.
Dynamic Pricing to Control Loss Systems with Quality of Service Targets
Hampshire, R.C., Massey, W. A. and Wang Q., “Dynamic Pricing to Control Loss Systems with Quality of Service Targets,” Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Volume 23, Issue 02, pp. 357-383, 2009.