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Ray H. O’Neal

Visiting Professor 2009-2010 Associate professor, Department of Physics, Florida A&M University
The trailblazers in human, academic, scientific and religious freedom have always been in the minority… It will take such a small committed minority to work unrelentingly to win the uncommitted majority. Such a group may transform America’s greatest dilemma into her most glorious opportunity.
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Ray O’Neal, Jr. is an associate professor of physics at Florida A&M University, where he directs the AstroParticle and Cosmic Radiation Detector Research and Development Laboratory (APCR-DRDL) and is co-principal investigator for FAMU’s NSF CREST Center for Astrophysical Science and Technology. He earned his PhD in physics (1995, Solar Physics/X-Ray Astronomy) at Stanford University. He holds an SB in physics (1986) from MIT.


O’Neal’s research centers on materials, detectors, systems and instrumentation for observational astrophysics, astrophysical data analysis, and computational astrophysics. As staff astrophysicist of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, he worked on the Ultra Violet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS) instrument on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observer (SOHO) spacecraft—a joint NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) mission to study the astrophysics of the sun and the nature of the sun–earth space environment. 

O’Neal’s research as an MLK visiting professor focused on developing high-resolution microcalorimeter X-Ray imaging rocket (Micro-X) instrumentation. In addition, he collaborated with Professor Enectali Figuero-Feliciano to start a Saturday “Open House” aimed at fostering interest in STEM among underrepresented students from local high schools and middle schools.

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