Keivan Guadalupe-Stassun

- MIT Sponsors:
- Ed Bertschinger, Department of Physics
- Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano, Department of Physics
- Scholar Link:Visit Keivan Guadalupe-Stassun 's faculty page
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Keivan Guadalupe-Stassun is a professor of physics at Vanderbilt University and an adjunct professor of physics at Fisk University. He earned his PhD in astronomy as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Guadalupe-Stassun is well known for his research on star and planet formation, and leadership of the Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program. His research on the birth of stars, eclipsing binary stars, exoplanetary systems, and the sun has appeared in Nature, has been featured on NPR’s Earth & Sky, and has been published in more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles. He is a host for Tennessee Explorers, a television show highlighting the work of scientists and engineers to inspire the next generation of scientific explorers, and has served as an expert witness to Congress in its review of approaches for increasing American competitiveness in these fields.
As an MLK Visiting professor, Guadalupe-Stassun concentrated his efforts on increasing the number of underrepresented minority students in the physics graduate programs. Guadalupe-Stassun and his MIT colleagues also collaborated on a project to measure trace chemical species in supernova remnants via x-ray and infrared spectroscopy.
Sample Work
Stassun, K.G., Kratter, K.M., Scholz, A., Dupuy, T.J. 2012, Astrophysical Journal, An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
Stassun, K.G., Kratter, K.M., Scholz, A., Dupuy, T.J. 2012, Astrophysical Journal, An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
Mass loss in pre-main sequence stars via coronal mass ejections and implications for angular momentum loss
Aarnio, A., Matt. S., & Stassun, K.G. 2012, Astrophysical Journal, Mass loss in pre-main sequence stars via coronal mass ejections and implications for angular momentum loss
High-Resolution Spectroscopy during Eclipse of the Young Substellar Eclipsing Binary 2MASS 0535-0546. II. Secondary Spectrum: No Evidence that Spots Cause the Temperature Reversal
Mohanty, S., & Stassun, K.G. 2012, Astrophysical Journal, High-Resolution Spectroscopy during Eclipse of the Young Substellar Eclipsing Binary 2MASS 0535-0546. II. Secondary Spectrum: No Evidence that Spots Cause the Temperature Reversal
KELT-1b: A Strongly Irradiated, Highly Inflated, Short Period, 27 Jupiter-mass Companion Transiting a Mid-F Star
Siverd, R., et al. 2012, Astrophysical Journal, KELT-1b: A Strongly Irradiated, Highly Inflated, Short Period, 27 Jupiter-mass Companion Transiting a Mid-F Star