Eugene “Gus” Newport

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- Scholar Link:Eugene "Gus" Newport on the Thriving Communities website
Through our scientific and technological genius, we've made of this world a neighborhood. And now through our moral and ethical commitment, we must make of it a brotherhood.
Eugene “Gus” Newport is a lifelong community activist and the former mayor of Berkeley, California (1979-1986).
As an independent consultant, he provides TA in the areas of community and economic development, policy development through a history of analysis, community organizing strategies and organizational and systems development. Newport’s activism and consulting work continue to traverse local, national, and international borders, including time as vice-president from the U.S. to the World Peace Council and service on several United Nations committees, including The Committee Against Apartheid and the Committee on The Question of Palestine. He has worked in several capacities for federal, state, county and municipal governments, nonprofit agencies and the private sector.
As an MLK scholar, he was hosted by MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, where he co-taught the graduate Springfield practicum in re-building disenfranchised inner-city communities.