12th Annual MLK Celebration Keynote

12th Annual MLK Celebration Keynote

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson

Theoretical Physicist, Bell Laboratories

Shirley Jackson

Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson is an MIT alumna and the first African-American woman to head a ranking technological university in the United States. Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission from 1995-99, she received the SB (1968) and PhD (1973) in physics from MIT. She was the first African-American woman to head the NRC and the first African-American woman to earn doctorate at MIT and a doctorate in physics in the United States.

While an undergraduate at MIT, she was a co-founder of the Black Students Union and helped increase the number of African-Americans entering the Institute from two to 57 in a single year.

Prior to joining the NRC, Professor Jackson was a university professor, research scientist, consultant and corporate director. 

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